Saturday, October 1, 2011

Semi-Anual Conference so far... a Temple!

Wednesday we took our family camping but came home in the middle of the night because Brodrick was vomiting. He's still sick. This morning, Miles started vomiting. I haven't seen this much kid vomit since the dehydration hospitalization of Miles, Christmas day 2009. Lucky me.

So the original plan of having the kids involved in conference turned into me trying to keep vomit cleaned up and cuddling with sick kids. Still, the boys were more quiet and still than normal.  What I heard seemed to be spoken just for me. One of the most exciting announcements made, was that the former Provo Tabernacle that was destroyed by a fire last year, will be turned into a temple!

the plan of what the new Provo Temple will look like
Isn't it beautiful?! When I found out about the fire in December 2010, I was filled with such sadness. I have such fond memories of performing with the Utah Valley Children's Concert Choir at least twice year in the tabernacle, for 8 years of my adolescence. Since the fire, and every time I've driven by the dilapidated building, I would question what the plan would be for this beautiful and historic building. Upon hearing the temple announcement, all sadness I've felt left instantly. I cannot wait to go through the open house, and one day serve within its temple walls!

1 comment:

The Reynolds said...

That will be such a fun and different temple! I love it! Isn't it crazy to see how God works?