Monday, August 27, 2012

3-3-3 Genetic?

After Miles' broke his arm, I realized that all three of my children have had a broken bone (three breaks), due to a fall, at age three, or younger. Coincidence? Does the similarity equate genetically weak bones?

July 14, 2009
No one was present for what we are sure was a fall of the kitchen chair. Amelia ended up with a broken clavicle. She had to wear a special shoulder brace to help align the bone for healing.

March 29, 2011
Brodrick fell of the changing table when I was standing right beside him and ended up with a broken tibia and fibula.

And now Miles:

Then about a week after Miles broke his arm, my niece Jenna broke her arm. She was roller-blading and fell. She broke the same arm (left) on the same bone (radius) on the same place on the bone, with the same kind of fracture (compression), from the same thing (a fall). Now, I am sure the weak bones was due to genetic bone weakness.

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