Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Modesty and Being a Lady

Modesty is important to me as a woman. Having a 5 year old daughter who feels pressure and desire to wear things that might not be modest, and having two sons that are starting to notice immodest dress, makes modesty important to me as a mother.

As a member of the LDS faith, it is something that is talked about. The Friend magazine my church puts out each month for children ages 18 months- 11 years old. I know it can be a touchy subject for some people in the church, when it come to small/young children.
About two years ago there was a story about a girl who was given a dress that didn't have sleeves and described how she wore a shirt that had sleeves on under the dress to stay modest.  Two years ago, Amelia and I read the story and discussed the outcome.  The next page had a modesty check list the standards of modesty that should be expected.

Here is a modesty check list that was published in The Friend.
  • ▫ My shoulders are covered.
  • ▫ My shirt covers my stomach.
  • ▫ My shorts or skirt go to my knees.
  • ▫ My shirt is not low-cut.
  • ▫ My clothes are not tight.
  • ▫ I don’t look sloppy.
  • ▫ My hair is combed.
  • ▫ My clothes are not saggy, torn, or holey to fit in with a style.
  • ▫ Labels or words on my clothes are respectful, not rude or offensive.

I love this list. Amelia and I have talked a lot about two years ago and since then, our family has had the rule of not wearing clothing outside that does not cover our shoulders, and everything else listed in the check list. Amelia does however, have some shirts that don't have sleeves that she can layer over something, wear as undershirts, and wear to bed; and also has short shorts to sleep in or layer under her skirts for time when she is climbing trees in a skirt.

On a day last week, I told Amelia to go get dressed for her day. She came back wearing just a tank top. She said something like "See what I'm wearing?" referencing to her shirt, and asked, "Is that ok? Can I wear this?" Amelia knew it was not ok, we had talked about this and she knew our rule. However, I didn't want to disagree or make it an issue, after all, as parents, we need to choose our battles. I was reminded of the quote by the Prophet Joseph Smith that says, "You teach them correct principles, and them let them govern themselves." So I told her, "You know our rules and what I expect from you about the cloths you wear. I will let you decide to wear it or to change." Amelia was VERY surprised, and left the room. I am happy to report that she went and put a short sleeved shirt on underneath her tank top. She came back to me and said, "I decided to wear a shirt that would cover (touching her shoulders), and the tank top." **Proud Mom Moment**

And now for some thoughts on modesty Found on Pinterest:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Four. Really??

Can't believe this little red haired, blue eyed boy Miles is FOUR years old!! His delivery was by far the best experience ever and made the 35 lbs I lost from ridiculously horrible hyperemesis gravidarum all worth it.
On Miles birthday we made a cake, sang to him, and ate it together as a family on our front lawn.

Oh these two. When they love each other and are kind, they are the BEST of friends.

A few days later, we had a Buzz Light Year themed birthday party with friend from his Sun Beam class at church and some cousins.

I made the "happy birthday" banner, hung balloons from the ceiling, and made 3-d card board stars, spray painted them silver, and hung them from the ceiling.

We made some Toy Story cup cake toppers with toothpicks, stickers, and paper.

Miles got some wonderful gifts, but was absolutely THRILLED with the Legos he received.

Made a cup cake stand out of color coordinating plates and cups.

Ready to make a wish!

Amelia loved having all the focus on Miles (though she hopped in this picture- in the name of love for her brother) and helped with all of his little friends.

I drew out  and colored this Alien and sets of three eyes for a classic game of Pin the Eye's on the Alien.

My sister Alisa drew out and colored this Buzz Light Year for the party.

Putting together his Legos after the party.
I was struggling to come up with games for a Toy Story themed birthday party that 3 and 4 year olds could easily enjoy. I decided that in addition to the Pin the Eye's on the Alien, to pull out our Mr and Mrs Potato Heads and let them each create a head as guests were arriving. I also had a color of Buzz and some Aliens for each child to color. And the little take home boxes had treats, a balloon, and some green army men in them. It was a fun planning the party for Miles that he and all of his friends enjoyed so much.

Happy Birthday Miles!! Love you buddy!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

3-3-3 Genetic?

After Miles' broke his arm, I realized that all three of my children have had a broken bone (three breaks), due to a fall, at age three, or younger. Coincidence? Does the similarity equate genetically weak bones?

July 14, 2009
No one was present for what we are sure was a fall of the kitchen chair. Amelia ended up with a broken clavicle. She had to wear a special shoulder brace to help align the bone for healing.

March 29, 2011
Brodrick fell of the changing table when I was standing right beside him and ended up with a broken tibia and fibula.

And now Miles:

Then about a week after Miles broke his arm, my niece Jenna broke her arm. She was roller-blading and fell. She broke the same arm (left) on the same bone (radius) on the same place on the bone, with the same kind of fracture (compression), from the same thing (a fall). Now, I am sure the weak bones was due to genetic bone weakness.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Broken Arm

July 29th I went down to my brother's house for a quick visit. While I was there I got a phone call from Tim saying "You need to come home right now, I think Amelia just broke Miles' arm." I got there as fast as I could, which was about 20 minutes. Miles had been crying the whole time and when I got home he was laying in his bed since it was already past his bed time. He quickly told me that Amelia kicked him off the couch and that it hurt his arm. I asked if he wanted medicine to help it feel better, which he did. I went to grab he medicine and when I came back he was asleep. Since I couldn't really tell how bad the injury was with him being in bed sleeping, I decided to just let him sleep.

Around midnight Miles rolled over in bed and screamed in pain. I went to give him the medicine I hadn't been able to give him before he fell asleep when I first got home. He was not calming down so I brought him to our bed. I had a gut feeling it was broken. In an attempt to not go to the ER, I went to the kitchen and layered several pieces of cardboard from cereal boxes, fitted them to his arm size, stuck them in a large sock, and splinted his arm, wrapping his arm with an ace bandage. The stabilization seemed to help him. He was able to calm down and we went back to bed. Sleeping next to him I could hear his little whimper every time he moved in his sleep.

About 5am he rolled over again, which cause some horrible pain. I decided it wasn't fair for him to have to wait till 9am to call to make an appointment at the pediatrician's office that would probably be later in the day, so we got our shoes on and headed for the ER. We were so blessed that there was not wait. I literally walked in the doors, got signed in, took Miles to triage for some vitals and weight, then went right back to our room. I didn't even get to meet Miles' nurse before the DR came in to check out the situation.

Seconds later the nurse was there and upon telling them the story above, both were shocked and amused to hear that I splinted his arm myself. That's how I roll folks. The X-rays were ordered and we quickly were taken to Radiology. They were done in no time and we were back in his room. The DR came back in and said that the arm was broken. I was given instructions for care and a tech came in to splint his arm and fit him with a sling. The tech and I got to talking about adoption and turns out, she was adopted. We had a great talk while she worked and even after she was done, and then we were on our way. We were in and out of that ER in just under 2 hours, and Tim just made it on time to work with the van.
Waiting in his hospital bed for his X-ray.

Miles was so happy when they game him a robot blanket for coming in to the ER.

Miles with his arm all splinted and ready to go.
A few days later we went to get Miles a cast. We took his splint of the night before to make sure he got a bath before having the cast put on, since I was assuming he wouldn't be able to get his cast wet. At the appointment I was finally able to see the X-ray.

Buckle Fracture of the Radius

Miles is excited to get the splint off.

Happy guy with his green, waterproof cast.
Miles tells everyone when they ask how he broke his arm, that 1) his sister kicked him off the couch and  2) that his cast is waterproof so he can go swimming at a local water-park.
--I am so happy that they have waterproof casts now. The gauze that they wrap the arm in before layering it with the hard cast material is made from a plastic mesh, so it doesn't absorb water. It is just awesome!--

Friday, August 3, 2012

Trip to the Zoo!

On July 27th, we went to the Hogle Zoo with some local family, and some family visiting from out of town. Take myself and my three kids, 3 of my sisters and 7 of their kids, and my mom, and it's sure to be a good time. Though with all of us, it was quite comical to see  the schedule turn from getting to the zoo before noon, turn to 1pm, then 2pm, then planning to met up at my parent's house to car pool up there at 2. We finally got to my parents house, got car seats switched, and we were all on our way in two minivans, and arrived around 3pm.
Miles loved carrying maps and being Grandma's buddy.

I forgot the umbrella stroller for Brodrick. It turned out ok, as he LOVED walking around, and when he got tired, Aunt Shalaina was right there willing to carry him.

Brotherly love

With Aunt Shalaina

Me and my "big" sister

checking out some animals, and the fence.

Brodrick getting a piggy-back ride with Aunty Shalaina

The Polar Bear there at the zoo is just awesome!! The two times we have been this summer, he will go to this spot and swim under the water, pop up by the window if people are standing there, push off of the rocks under the window, swim backward, and then do it again and again. Miles watched from a distance but Brodrick LOVED being right up against the glass to watch him.

Brodrick checking out a tiger cooling off in the water.

Amelia on the carosel.

...Lovin Amelia's smile....

...Brodrick's super cheese...

Trying to get a good picture of my three kids on our way out of the zoo was amusing. This is the best one of all three kids.
We had a great time! Tim's parents bought us a pass for a year so we hope to make it to the Zoo as often as possible while the weather is nice.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Brodrick Turns 2!!

Brodrick turned TWO on July 26th. My how time flies! Things were crazy with my sister and her 5 kids staying with us, so it wasn't until a few days later, when we were able to finally  have cake to celebrate.
Brodrick sang Happy Birthday to himself and it was just adorable! Even now as I blog these pictures he starts singing to himself. I think the second birthday is so much fun because at that age, they are finally starting to understand what it is going on.

Amelia, Talitha, Kierra, Miles, Brodrick, and Miley

Lovin' some cake!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!! You bring so much joy to me and those around you. I love you so much and am so blessed and happy to have you as my son!!