Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Muddy Angels

Not so long ago, my dear friend Lauren had this great idea of doing the Dirty Dash 2012 together with my niece Stephanie (also a friend of Lauren). She knowing I am not a runner, purposely failed to mention (you know its true Lauren) just how many K's were in a "couple of K's" race. The answer was 10k's. 10. Lets move on. So upon realizing that this race was not a 3k, or even a 5k, but double what I had anticipated, I decided to go running a few times before the race in prep. Our team was affectionately titled The Muddy Angels.

Race day (Sept 22) came  and was lovely. Who wouldn't want to go wallow through large mud pits while covering 6 miles of uneven terrain?! We psyched.

There were different heat times and ours was at 10:20. Even with the break up of heats there were quite a few people and it got very crowded at times, especially around the different obstacles. I did end up with a huge bruise on the pack of my right thigh from two of the obstetrical. All in a year's mud run.

We helped each other complete the intimidating obstacles, such as climbing cargo nets that were very high up (I am usually deathly afraid of heights, but apparently had no time to focus on that or look down) lifting our booties over high wooden walls, etc, and of course, walking through mud pits. (Just FYI- they totally dug random, dips/holes before filling said pits with water-turned-to-mud.)  Thankfully we each had goggles to wear. Toward the end Lauren and Steph stopped using theirs, but I wasn't about to loose a contact or get dirt/mud in my eye. I can handle mud all over, but when it comes to my eyes, I draw the line.

Almost done! Waiting in line to go down the huge slip n' slide.

The Muddy Angels, complete with wings.

We don't mess 'round! Or, uh, we play dirty. Take your pick.

Eating post race peaches. No we did not wash our hands. No we didn't care.
 My only complaint was that my shoes were so heavy and the extra weight torqued on my weak ankle. The course was great- the obstacles felt well spaced. The muddy water was freezing. The company couldn't have been better. It was a blast!! I totally want to do it again next year.

1 comment:

Emily White said...

I hate to tell you this now, but there was totally a 5K option. Phillip ran the 5K :) oops sorry!