Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Break Painting Activity

Years of being Amelia's mom has taught me that she needs things to do. Without new engaging and fun things for her to be involved in- read: why I have my four year old learning to read and taking violin lessons, disasters happen. It is no fault of her own, she is just VERY into creating and creativity. As a result a simple painting activity was drawn out into a three stage activity. We 1) drew shapes on some dollar store sponges, 2) "snipped" them out with scissors, and 3) finally used them to paint. Stages one and two were done a previous day. I made the kids wait until I had the house in order enough that the added mess of painting wouldn't make me loose it while giving up control and my kitchen table for the painting. I admit it. I'm not a perfect mom. Control is something I want, but I'm learning more and more, that I have less and less of it.

Behold the painting fun:

The mess wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We will for sure do it again. Amelia and Miles both LOVED it.

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