Saturday, October 27, 2012

Amelia's 1st Violin Recital

 Amelia has been playing the violin since a few weeks after her 4th birthday. She performed in her first recital on October 20th.

Since she was itty bitty ( just two years old) she would ask to play the violin, "a pay by-in mommy?!" She would also listen and pick out the violins playing in orchestra pieces on the radio, coupled with "a my by-in!" with a dreamy far off look in her eyes.

When we moved into a house across the street from a certified Suzuki violin teacher, it was fate. We waited for Amelia to turn four and got her into lessons. (For the record- I had heard that Suzuki students start at 4, and didn't realize that many teachers take 3 year old students, and even some times 2 year old students!) For the first few months of lessons, I was constantly hearing, "Is my violin lesson today?!" followed by  tears and "WHY?? Why can't my lesson be today?!" or "I'm so excited I can't wait to go to my lesson!" complete with grins and squeals of delight, depending on the day. I attribute this devotion and love in part (you know the part that is not Amelia's undying love of the violin) to her fabulous Suzuki Violin Teacher, Lauri Driggs.

During our lesson observation period (required before we could become an official student that took up those few weeks right after her 4th birthday)  I got to talk to the mom of the student we observed. She explained that she had 4 daughters, 3 of whom had completed the Suzuki Violin program- which equates to a lot of lessons with several different teachers. She then said that Lauri was, hands down, the best teacher any of her girls had learned from. Now having had Amelia with in her studio for the last 20 months, I totally believe it. This woman is not only amazing on her violin, but is a wonder with the kids.

Amelia with her violin teacher Lauri Driggs at the recital.
Needless to say, Amelia has been self driven for the most part with her violin aspirations. We go through spells of not wanting to practice which is normal and expected but, 9 times out of 10, Amelia loves playing violin.

Here is a clip of her recital performance playing Song of the Wind.

(The students were invited to wear their halloween costumes to the recital, Amelia was was a Rodeo Princess- but we had to take her cowgirl hat-complete with crown- off cause it hung in the way of her bow.)

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Tooth for a Tooth

Remember the last time I took the kids to the dentist? It obviously has been more than 6 months since the last visit. We went during fall break so it was not busy which is always a bonus.
Watching a show in the waiting room.

Amelia going 1st with Dr Markham.

The boys playing with Sunglasses while Amelia has her turn.

A happy smile for no cavities!!

And of course, finished off a visit with balloon swards and a horse.
Highlights for the kids included balloon animals, Brodrick getting to see his very own "ben bones!" (aka x-ray of his teeth) and new toothbrushes/paste/floss. I was a bit nervous about cavities in Miles. Last time I was told that he had weak enamel and that he would likely get a cavity if we did not start using Prevident toothpaste (prescription fluoride toothpaste that should not be swallowed- that involves a lot of swishing water and spitting). Miles has a hard time working his tongue and spitting is not a strong point, so we have not been able to use it as often as recommended. I am happy to report that even though his enamel is still super weak- he is cavity free, "due to a good diet." #proverbialpatontheback The other two are cavity free as well! So thankful!!

And now for my PSA reguarding Pediatric Dentistry:
When Amelia was three she was forcing her jaw forward, especially when she smiled. While Dr Markham was checking her bite and jaw, he felt what she was doing and said that she needed a mouth piece to correct it. When debating about the necessity of the device, he explained that the kids that don't get a mouthpiece/help to correct their bite while they are young, will need to have their jaw reconstructed, wired shut while it heals, and a full set of braces to correct the way the jaw grew. Less than 6 months with the mouth piece and the problem with her bite has been corrected since.
Pediatric dentists know their stuff- and with a bit of luck you will find one that is exceptional. It is totally worth it to hunt one down to take your littles to. Find a good pediatric dentist for your kids. It could make all the difference. The end.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Holes in Her Ears

When she was not even three years old we had the conversation of how people can wear earrings. That you have to go to a special store and people poke holes in your ears and then after a long time, you can change the earrings. She was relentless and kept telling me, "I want holes in my ears." I took her to Claire's to see a little girl get her ears pierced. The girl was a few months younger than she was at the time. After seeing the other girl get her ears pierced (a slight flinch/jump that could have easily been from the loud noise right by her ear vs the pain- no tears were involved), she decided she didn't want her ears pierced any more. So, we went home and I would ask her every now and again, until just recently she was adamit that she did NOT want to have them pierced.

Fast forward to the beginning of October. She would casually ask about the pain associated with getting her ears pierced. After my answers she would say something like, I might want to get my ears pierced some day. Then, one day, she just decided she was ready. I called that day to see if there were two workers at Claire's so that both ears would get pierced at the same time. There was just one person working, so we didn't make it in that day, fearing that we would end up with just one ear pierced. Then finally on October 13th Amelia and I went to the mall to get her ears pierced in the early afternoon on a Saturday- to be sure to have two workers there. She was so happy about choosing the little flower earrings that had different colors for each pedal. Both ladies came over and just like that it was done. Amelia did cry. A lot. It took a few minutes for her to calm down and she wasn't completely recovered until she was offered a sucker.

That night before bed. So happy with her earrings!
The first day or so her ears were quite tender and she did not enjoy having them cleaned. She now doesn't mind it (we still need to clean them three times a day) and feels so grown up having her ears pierced! I can't believe how fast Amelia is growing up!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't Play with Fire...

Alright, this Wednesday was just cram-packed! (The same day as Pumpkin Land and the girls only date.) I have a calling in cub scouts right now and so when we decided to have an activity for the boys at a local fire station's open to the public, once a year, all day carnival, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take the kids.

There was a fire demonstration that really scared Brodrick ( in screaming hysterically and clinging onto me for dear life...). When they were setting up for it, we were told where to go, but it was too close. The fire was so huge and hot. Amelia and Miles decided it was pretty cool a while after they had extinguished the fire, but like myself, were taken back by the intensity. I guess it was a great lesson for them to not play with fire.

Watching the firefighters gear up for the demonstration.

Brodrick in an ambulance. I intend for this to be his only time inside one, unless of course, he decides to become an EMT someday.

At the station the offered plastic fire hats, cotton candy, popcorn, pencils, stickers, to try on real fire suit equipment and more.

The kids watching the life flight helicopter land (LOVE the look on Miles' face...). I had been close to a helicopter when the motor was turned on before, but was in the car. Its pretty neat to feel the wind and hear the loud engine when you are so close.

Checking out the propellers

The four of us had a great time! It was a day of learning, to be sure. Brodrick told several people later in the day, "Go to a fire station, fire REALLY hot!" and enjoyed re-watching the landing of the helicopter. If we stay in the area post graduate school, we hope to make the carnival a yearly tradition.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Girl Time

The same day the boys and I went to pumpkin land, I decided to take Amelia on a little girls-only outing. We ran an errand and ended our outing with a special treat. We went to a local bakery to try some desserts. Of course of all the delicious selections available, Amelia chose the caramel apple, because she, "loves apples!" Smart girl. It WAS delicious. One of the best caramel apples I've ever had...

Its always so good to get to spend some alone time with each child. Since Amelia has been in school, we have both missed the spending time together like we used to. We are adjusting, but getting out together once and awhile definitely helps!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Land

A week and a half ago, the boys and I went to a pumpkin patch with Miles small preschool co-op group and the play group from one of our old wards. We had a lovely time, and it was before the weather really turned nasty cold, which was an added plus.  It was so fun to get to spend time with old friends, and let the kids frolic about, expending their boy energy. On our way out each boy chose a pumpkin to take home.

The color of the day was orange, so I dressed both boys accordingly.

Brodrick, Miles, and their cousin Miley

Check out the tall sunflowers.

Could these two be any cuter?!?

Smiling for pictures. Brodrick is in the - don't-look-at-the-camera phase. Also, note the baby. That sweet little one is the two month old of an old friend who brought her three girls with the groups. I carried that baby the whole time I was there. It helped curb my baby hunger- she was the best baby ever! so it also aggravated it a little. ;)

Brodrick loved climbing and dancing all over this little play fort.

I was loving the blue sky in the background...

With the chosen pumpkins.
We had a great time! A huge thank you to my dear friend Debbie who organized the fun for all.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sibbling Sleepover

Because of some abuse that I experienced while staying the night at a friend house when I was young, we have a family rule that we do not have sleep overs (without either Tim or I being there). There has been one exception, when Amelia stayed the night at my sister's house where there were only girls. (And I'm not saying that females cannot be perpetrators, but it is more uncommon.)

Last Friday night (Oct 5), Amelia wanted to have a "sleep over" in her room with her brothers. We had never done it before, and so I was willing to give it a try.

Three happy children, having story time with Amelia before bed.
They had so much fun snuggling together, reading books. I was a little unsure about how long it would take them to fall asleep and how the dynamic of them all being so close in proximity would pan out. Brodrick and Amelia are VERY active sleepers, and Brodrick woke up crying at least once a night for the 4 nights previous.

Passed out.
I didn't need to worry about the falling asleep part. It seemed that as soon as I turned off the light they were quiet and after a few minutes I sneaked in to find them all sound asleep. About an hour afterward, I heard Amelia crying in her sleep. She was bumping into her brothers, and being side swiped by Brodrick's arm/leg. So, I put her back on her bed. The other two boys slept really well being next to each other. It went over so well, that we may let it happen more often. It was a fun little change up for a weekend.

Its amazing to me the love I feel well up within me looking at my sleeping children. Its very nostalgic having watched them so much as infants while they were sleeping. And of course I love them each during the day, but to see them quiet, content, and stationary is a wonderful thing. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Visit from Tim's Grandparents

The last weekend in September, Tim's Grandparents came down for the baptism of Amanda, a close family friend. (She is more like a granddaughter for them, and a niece to me and Tim.) Amanda's dad is a convert who was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when we were up visiting Tim's home town this summer. Amanda is studying at a LDS affiliated university near where we live, and so they made the trip for the momentous occasion and we were able to spend a few hours with them and go out to lunch.

We ate at Texas Road House (delicious!!). Upon hearing others order a salad, Brodrick requested a salad to eat as well.  Grandma and Grandpa were surprised to see that little guy excitedly devoured his salad and was rather uninterested in any other food we offered him.

Tim, Amelia, and Grandma Kieko

Miles, Grandpa Glenn, and Melanie

Eating at a restaurant is an exciting adventure with our three busy young children. We had a lovely visit before, and after our visit to the restaurant, but during was a little more stressful. It is always so wonderful to see family that live far away. Their trip was a quick one, and we were blessed to be able to have spent some time with them!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Zumba Certification

I've mentioned it before. The rekindling of my inner-childhood flame that came from finding Zumba. The ability to let go and shake it like a Polaroid picture drop it like its hot enthusiastically dance like I did on every possible occasion during my single days, all while spending time with wonderful ladies, relieving built up stress, and getting a killer workout. (After all, Zumba is known as exercise in disguise cause its so fun and you definitely do not feel like you are working out. That is, until you feel the sweat dripping down your face/back/chest.)

Last year, I was going consistently 4-5 times a week for months. Then sadly I got out of the routine when my fellow carpoolers had to stop making the trip to the dance studio several miles away.

Then a few months ago I found a free Zumba class once a week in a church building in the neighborhood where we bought our first house (not super close- but closer than the the dance studio I had gone to last year.) 

Like a fish back in water @ the free Zumba class with fellow dancers 9/12/2012.

After wanting to get certified to teach for more than a year, I decided I to buckle up and register for  Zumba certification. Tim was very supportive of the idea and so I register for Zumba's Basic Steps 1. And on that fateful Friday, September 28th, after hours of dancing and a whole lot of sweat, I completed the certification!

Hooray for Zumba!!
This week I will help team teach my first class! I'm so excited!! If you have not tried Zumba yet, you are sorely missing out. I know that for most, the first few classes you may still feel like a little awkward, but rest assured, no one will be critical of you in a Zumba class. There, you will find acceptance among friends. If you are local to me and want to participate in the free class this Thursday at 8pm, let me know and I'll give you the details!