Since she was itty bitty ( just two years old) she would ask to play the violin, "a pay by-in mommy?!" She would also listen and pick out the violins playing in orchestra pieces on the radio, coupled with "a my by-in!" with a dreamy far off look in her eyes.
When we moved into a house across the street from a certified Suzuki violin teacher, it was fate. We waited for Amelia to turn four and got her into lessons. (For the record- I had heard that Suzuki students start at 4, and didn't realize that many teachers take 3 year old students, and even some times 2 year old students!) For the first few months of lessons, I was constantly hearing, "Is my violin lesson today?!" followed by tears and "WHY?? Why can't my lesson be today?!" or "I'm so excited I can't wait to go to my lesson!" complete with grins and squeals of delight, depending on the day. I attribute this devotion and love in part (you know the part that is not Amelia's undying love of the violin) to her fabulous Suzuki Violin Teacher, Lauri Driggs.
During our lesson observation period (required before we could become an official student that took up those few weeks right after her 4th birthday) I got to talk to the mom of the student we observed. She explained that she had 4 daughters, 3 of whom had completed the Suzuki Violin program- which equates to a lot of lessons with several different teachers. She then said that Lauri was, hands down, the best teacher any of her girls had learned from. Now having had Amelia with in her studio for the last 20 months, I totally believe it. This woman is not only amazing on her violin, but is a wonder with the kids.
Amelia with her violin teacher Lauri Driggs at the recital. |
Here is a clip of her recital performance playing Song of the Wind.
(The students were invited to wear their halloween costumes to the recital, Amelia was was a Rodeo Princess- but we had to take her cowgirl hat-complete with crown- off cause it hung in the way of her bow.)