Monday, November 28, 2011

turkey day

Thanksgiving was wonderful! It was spent at my sister's home with her family, my parents, my three brothers and and some nieces and nephews. I enjoyed myself so much, but I didn't remember to take out my camera to document the fun. After our bellies were full and were digesting round two of dinner, a few of us got to play dictionary man.

There was SO MUCH FOOD! I believe that if multiple people are going to go to so much work to prepare such a feast, that there should be left overs. This year was no exception, Thanksgiving dinner can be the meal that keeps on giving. I enjoyed left overs for three days. I would have continued eating them for even longer had the food lasted.

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Counting My Blessings

It was bound to happen. I got sick last week and it was absolutely nasty. I was happy that we were taking turns, and then Miles got sick again. Oh boy... Lets just I am relieved it's behind us.

It's no secret Thanksgiving is my favorite. I thinks it absolutely wonderful to be able to focus on our blessings for a whole month in anticipation for the holiday. I love that it is spent with friends and family, that we focus on the blessings we have.

In the past I've posted things that I'm grateful for every day on the blog.With all of the sickness we've been dealing with, I didn't really have energy to dedicate to doing that.

Even though I didn't post about my blessings every day, I am oh so blessed and especially grateful for the things that the Lord has blessed me with. All of my difficulties are definitely first world problems. Yes, we've been sick, but we've had access to doctors, medicine, fresh water, and food to help us recover. Our illnesses have not been life threatening. We've been able to be together as a family in our comfortable home while we've been sick. My husband has a job and is able to attend a University to get his education. Tim is worthy and holds the priesthood. When Miles and I were up in the night vomiting together, we each able to get priesthood blessings of healing from him. All of these things I have while I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I think of all of God's children who do not have those things that I often take so much for granted. I am humbled and oh so grateful for the blessings in my life.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Making Memories- Football Style

Sort version:

While we were at the game, the older kids were complaining and wanting to go home. Then, when we got home, they talked about the game like it was the greatest thing ever. It makes me wonder how many of my fond childhood memories were torture in the moment for my parents while they listened to me complain. Of my experiences, I don't remember any of the discomfort or complaining, at times I am sure it happened. Now looking back I remember only the good.

Long version:

Yesterday, we had tickets for our whole family to go to the local college football game. We drive by the football stadium pretty often and Amelia and Miles frequently ask to go to a game. We were worried we wouldn't be able to go because for the last two weeks we've been dealing with sickness on and off every few days. We had no vomit since Amelia's early morning session Thursday morning, so we optimistic all would be well. Friday night/Saturday morning, Brodrick was coughing an awful lot but didn't cough at all during the day so we figured we were ok to go as long as everyone was bundled really well. (Miles was vomiting again this morning, so he and Tim or I will be missing church today.)

The kids usually go to bed about 7- the same time the game started- and with the recent daylight savings time change, the kids were still adjusting. We decided to enjoy some time (an hour...) in the stadium before the game since we knew the kids wouldn't last the whole game anyway.  It was pretty hard to convince the kids into staying even until kickoff. When action started out on the field, things got a bit better. However, Miles was so tired and kept asking to go home to bed even before the game started (and was most likely dealing with stomach issues as his vomiting this morning is evidence) and Amelia kept complaining of being cold and asking to go. There was 8+ minutes left in the 1st quarter, when we decided to leave- we didn't even make it half way through one quarter. I'm sure they would have lasted a bit longer if we hadn't spent so much time before the game waiting in the cold, but Tim and I were ok with it, as their bed time was only thrown off by an hour. (And you parents who have children who thrive on strict sleep schedules that take forever to re-establish once thrown off, know our leaving early was equally for our-the parents- benefit.)

What we saw of the game wasn't much, but for the good family fun that the children will remember, the 
complaining, cold, cost and all, was so worth it.


I know its been awhile since I've really posted. I have a good reason I suppose.

November 2- up early in the morning with Amelia who was vomiting...
November 5- up in the night with Miles who was vomiting and Brodrick who is teething...
November 8- up in the night with Miles who was vomiting....
November 9- late morning, Brodrick developed a high fever that lasted the rest the day...
November 10- up in the night with Amelia who was vomiting....
November 12- heard an awful lot of coughing coming from Brodrick during the night- but no fever or vomiting!
November 13- up in the night with Miles who is vomiting...

We're getting all of the winter sickness taken care of so that we will have perfect health December to April. Well, at least one can hope.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daylight Savings

Who's idea was it to move the changing of our clocks back in the fall, from October to November? This whole month I've been waiting for the time change. The kids have been staying up later and sleeping in. Which won't be a problem once the time actually changes with the world. I guess its not really a problem, its just not what I'm used to. This will in turn change things being up late to going to bed on time, and making sleeping in, turn into waking when they "normally" would.

So remember, when you go to bed on November 5th, move your clocks back one hour. Unless of course, you are some place cool like Arizona, where they don't do the whole daylight savings thing...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I am so thankful the weather was perfect Halloween night for some trick-or-treating. Amelia didn't need to wear a coat and I went out in a t-shirt.

The kids, all geared up and ready to go!

Amelia went as Ariel the mermaid.
In true Miles fashion, he was your friendly neighborhood Spider Man.

And Brodrick was a cow. We worked ahead of time to encourage a Mooing sound to come out of him. The closest sound he produced was a hum. Still, it was pretty cute.
I think it could use mentioning that the whole scary aspect of Halloween I completely despise. A few masked Halloween goers, terrified Brodrick and he screamed as though his life was soon coming to an end. His whole body was tense and it took some serious rocking in my arms with his blanky and reassuring comfort talk to calm him. I wish that Halloween could be care free and kid friendly, but there is always someone who has to go, and deck out their whole yard/house/themselves in horror-ish and gorey decor. I do not see the fun in terrorizing small children. That, I could certainly do without. Amelia and Miles were also quite disturbed by a bowl of candy that was offered to them that had a motion sensor that triggered a skeleton hand to some out and grab over the candy. Not cool. Other than my children being terrified, it was a pretty good night.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Suzuki Violin Celebration

I am so grateful we are able to have Amelia take violin lessons from an amazing teacher.

Amelia got to be in her first violin performance on Saturday, the 29th. It was pretty exciting for her. She played a few music pieces pizzicato on a stage with other students then participated in the "Twinkle Costume Parade" where she paraded around a large room holding her violin on her shoulder during play position. She had a small mis-hap and the violin slipped from her and hit the hard wood floor pretty hard, loosening her fingerboard. Thankfully, we have been trying hard to practice every day, and discovered the need for a repair first thing Monday, and now have it back safe and ready to be played tomorrow. Amelia was so sweet when we realized together that it was broken, she kept saying, "I'm so sorry I dropped it and that its broken." and kept asking, "Could I still play violin?" It was adorable. I love that she loves the violin so much. I hope she always have a love for learning about, listening to, playing, and practicing her violin.