While Brodrick was in the OR on Wednesday for his tube replacement, I was waiting in the lobby and was
watching some news coverage of a recent Republican debate. I was impressed by what I saw of Herman Cain. I nonchalantly commented to myself how I liked Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan, and how at
this point, Cain would get my vote. The man next to me turned to me and
said, "Oh, I wouldn't vote for him cause he's black. We had our first
black president ever and look where it got us, in more debt then any
other president before him."
Pure. shock. I was so taken back! And he could tell by the look on my face. I turned to him and
said, "You're right, we are in more debt because of Obama, but that has
nothing to do with the color of his skin." This man was not convinced. I then commented on how many LDS people are going to vote for Mitt Romney because he is LDS with not knowing any other information about his policies or plan for the nation.
It was hard to hear people declare that they were going to vote for
Obama when he was running, because he was black. That is just as
prejudice as not voting for someone because they are black, or voting
for someone just because of their religion. Wikipedia says "Prejudice is making a judgment or assumption about someone or something before having enough knowledge to be able to do so with guaranteed accuracy..." Guaranteed. Accuracy.
This post is not intended to be an endorsement for Herman Cain, nor is it meant to get into a political debate. It is meant simply to encourage people to avoid prejudice come voting time. Don't let your vote be swayed because of the candidate's religion or the color of their skin. Make it be about more than that. Do your home work before you vote.
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