Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On Potty Training

I usually post something on Facebook if I am wanting a wide range of advice/opinions for something specific. Potty training was no different. Since potty training Amelia using "Toilet training in less than a day" took a few months and all of my patience, I wasn't wanting to try that method with Miles this go around.

As it usually does, Facebook came through for me. A friend recommended 3 day potty training. I payed $25 for the Ebook and it was worth every penny! It is completely different than Toilet training in less than a day, even down to how you deal with accidents. The main ideas are to give the child the control, praise them and make them feel great for staying dry and going potty, not being upset when they have an accident and being consistent, in VERY specific ways. Obviously there are more details and if you would like them let me know.
(Changed 5/20/11- I originally thought I couldn't share the info cause it is copy righted, but I double checked on that-as long as I don't forward/send/sell the actual book I can share the main ideas. However, if you have the resources, you should buy the book, its very detailed and you can even have the lady who developed the method as a email resource for q&a. If I was the one who wrote it, I would want others to buy it so I could make a living from my great ideas. :D )

The reality is that Miles did have going to the potty down in three days, but it was more like a week until he was 100% clean and dry 24/7. Seriously folks, this doesn't use pull ups. At. All... Ever. It all makes sense to me and totally works. Miles who was just 31 months when I did this (this method can be done any time after22 months old) is dry, day and night. I am oh so thankful I discovered this potty training method!!!

So if you have a wee one that you are needing to potty train, and if you will have more in the future, then I wouldn't hesitate to buy the Ebook. Download it onto your computer and save it for the next little ones. That what I did.

**Full disclosure: I will not get compinsated in any way for recommending the potty training in 3 days method. I just want to spread the love and great information! :D

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